Another great peice of work done by Emil Kranz. Well done sir, well done. Both pieces represent David Hockney's message very well, especially the one titled "Self Punishment" where you represent the same figure twice which creates an obvious illusion. And for the modded controller, i still feel it is successful though some more effort could be put into it. It is evident that you spend time on these and it looks like your dedication is paying off. Believe me when i say that the second mosaic is one of the best student pieces i have seen in my time. You have positive potential and i have 100% confidence when i say that. Keep working at what you love to do and one day you will be amongst the greats of photography.
Another great peice of work done by Emil Kranz. Well done sir, well done. Both pieces represent David Hockney's message very well, especially the one titled "Self Punishment" where you represent the same figure twice which creates an obvious illusion. And for the modded controller, i still feel it is successful though some more effort could be put into it. It is evident that you spend time on these and it looks like your dedication is paying off. Believe me when i say that the second mosaic is one of the best student pieces i have seen in my time. You have positive potential and i have 100% confidence when i say that. Keep working at what you love to do and one day you will be amongst the greats of photography.